How can we tell your organization’s story?
Commercial Video Projects - Success Videos for Advertisement Purposes
SharpLens will work with your staff and assist you in producing eye-catching promo videos for your Higher Education Institution
Lendistry Success Video: PlaybookMG, Brooklyn, NY
Lendistry Success Video: Ba’al Cafe. NY
Lendistry Success Video: First Priority Security, NY
Commercial Video Projects - College Promotional Videos / Training Videos
SharpLens will work with your staff and assist you in producing eye-catching promo videos for your Higher Education Institution or a worksite training video
Metropolitan College of New York: Online Emergency Management Program, NY. Promotional Video for US Military Veteran Students
Metropolitan College of New York: Online Emergency Management Program, NY. Promotional Video
Metropolitan College of New York: Online Emergency Management Program, NY. Training Video. Constructive Action for the South Bronx Emergency Network. Overview
Metropolitan College of New York: Online Emergency Management Program, NY. Instruction video on how to access and utilize the South Bronx Emergency Network (SBEN) Survey