Construction Photography

We take pride in our ability to provide our clients with the documentation they need to analyze the progression of a construction site through photographs and video from start to completion.

  • Pre-Construction (PRECON) Photography images are a vital part of the total construction documentation process. Moreover, SharpLens PRECON images of the visual insurance policy. It is our priority to protect our clients by capturing conditions prior to construction operations.

  • Progress Construction (PROCON) Photography: Construction companies, contractors, brokers, and property owners take benefit from having scheduled progress photographs done periodically during the project. Progress documentation gives the client a monthly snapshot as to the development physically see the development of the project. For the General Contractor, all these steps protect the General Contractor by documenting that the required work has been completed within time.

  • Post Construction (POSTCON): Post-construction refers to the part of the project after the physical construction has been completed, however, there are yet some tasks to be undertaken. During the final and critical phase, SharpLens Photography will ensure every aspect of the project is captured to show the completeness of the project. Moreover, all photographs will be hard copied, packaged and transferred to the General contractor for archival objectives.